Taliban fires 3 rockets at Kandahar airport: Afghanistan

Guwahati News Desk: According to an official, at least three rockets struck Kandahar airport in southern Afghanistan overnight, on Sunday.

The three rockets were confirmed to have been fired by the Taliban on Sunday before dawn.

After the rockets struck the airport, all flights out of Kandahar were halted.

The airport chief, Massoud Pashtun informed, “Last night three rockets were fired at the airport and two of them hit the runway… Due to this all flights from the airport have been cancelled.”

Pashtun further informed that work to repair the runway was underway and the airport was expected to be made operational later on Sunday.

Meanwhile, a Taliban spokesperson, Zabiullah Mujahid admitted by stating, “Kandahar Airport was targeted by us because the enemy were using it as a centre to conduct air strikes against us.”

As per the sources, Kandahar’s air base plays a vital role for providing the logistics and air support needed to keep the militants from overrunning Afghanistan’s second-biggest city.

However, the attack on the airport came as the Taliban inched closer to overrunning two other provincial capitals, including – Herat in the west and Lashkar Gah in the south.

Both the Taliban and government forces have exaggerated the claims of casualties inflicted on each other’s forces in the past and true counts are very difficult to be verified independently.

Meanwhile, a fog of uncertainty looms over Afghanistan and on its people. The people feel stuck between a corrupt government and a brutal, violent, oppressive Taliban that is gaining ground in a continuous manner.