Guwahati News Desk: Aime Baruah, an Assamese actress turned filmmaker, made her Cannes debut this year. As the first Assamese actress to walk the Cannes red carpet, Baruah makes history.
Baruah’s directorial Semkhor – the first-ever Dimasa language film – earned positive reviews at the 75th Cannes Film Festival. The film highlights the rituals, practises, and folk beliefs of the people of Semkhor who wish to remain ‘untouched’ by the outside world. The protagonist of the film is played by Aimee. In portions of Assam and Nagaland, it is named for the ethno-linguistic community after whom it is spoken.
The actress draws attention as she walks the Cannes red carpet with a classic mekhela chador. Her mekhela chador was complemented by eye-catching jewellery that caught everyone’s attention.