Bhaswati Das: The method of cooking homemade chocolate Granola Bar in quite easy if you follow the follow easy steps to rain taste of flavours with your beloved one.
1. Dark chocolate : 4 tbsp (melted).
2. Muesli : 2 cups.
3. Rice crispies : 1/4 cup.
4. Honey : 4 tbsp.
Method :
1. Dry – roast the muesli in a non – stick pan till crisp. Remove from heat and cool down to room temperature. Line a five – inch by seven – inch rectangular tin.
2. Combine the muesli, rice crispies, honey and melted chocolate in a bowl.
3. Transfer this mixture into the prepared tin and spread evenly. Refrigerate for forty to forty – five minutes or till set.
4. Cut into bars and serve.